12 Iconic Military Coins with Incredible Stories Behind Them

12 Iconic Military Coins with Incredible Stories Behind Them

Military challenge coins have long been symbols of camaraderie, valor, and recognition within the armed forces. Each coin holds a unique story that celebrates military traditions, honors significant achievements, and preserves powerful memories. Below, we explore 12 of the most iconic military coins and the incredible stories behind them.

12 Iconic Military Coins

1. WWI Flying Squadron Coin

  • Historical Significance: Believed to be the origin of the military challenge coin tradition.
  • Story: A wealthy lieutenant had bronze coins struck with his squadron’s emblem to foster unity. One pilot carried this coin after being shot down behind enemy lines, helping him prove his identity and escape execution.
  • Design: Early aviation emblems.

2. Navy SEAL Team Six Coin

  • Rarity: Due to the secretive nature of SEAL missions, this coin is one of the rarest.
  • Story: Awarded to members of the elite Navy SEAL Team Six, this coin symbolizes some of the most daring and covert operations in military history.
  • Design: Features the SEAL insignia, emphasizing their clandestine operations.

3. Code Talkers Coin

  • Historical Significance: Honors the Navajo Code Talkers for their unbreakable code during WWII.
  • Story: The Navajo Code Talkers were essential to Allied victories by developing an uncrackable communication code.
  • Cultural Impact: Represents the critical role Native Americans played in military history.

4. Special Operations Executive (SOE) Coin

  • Rarity: Reflects the covert and dangerous nature of SOE operations during WWII.
  • Story: This coin commemorates SOE agents who worked behind enemy lines in espionage and sabotage missions during the war.
  • Design: Features symbols of espionage and resistance.

5. Presidential Challenge Coin

  • Prestige: Issued by the U.S. President, these coins are among the most sought after.
  • Story: President Obama, for example, famously left challenge coins on the memorial graves of fallen soldiers, a gesture that has deep emotional resonance.
  • Design: Often features the Presidential Seal or elements symbolic of each administration.

6. Philippine Guerrilla Coin

  • Historical Significance: Used during WWII by an American soldier to confirm his identity to Philippine guerrillas.
  • Story: A solid silver coin with a unit insignia that allowed the soldier to identify himself and complete his mission against Japanese forces.
  • Design: Stamped with the unit insignia.

7. Medal of Honor Recipients’ Coin

  • Prestige: Honors the recipients of the U.S. military’s highest award for valor.
  • Story: These coins are gifted to soldiers who have displayed extraordinary bravery, often at great personal risk.
  • Design: Features the Medal of Honor ribbon and medal.

8. Airman’s Coin

  • Symbolism: Given to Air Force members upon completing basic training.
  • Story: Represents the transition from civilian to Airman, marking the first step in their military career.
  • Design: Features the Air Force symbol and the core values of the Air Force.

9. Colonel Verne Green’s Special Forces Coin

  • Rarity: One of the earliest examples of a modern challenge coin.
  • Story: Colonel Verne Green of the 10th Special Forces Group-A minted this coin in 1969 to create a sense of unity within his unit.
  • Design: Bears the unit’s badge and motto.

10. Marine Corps Birthday Ball Coin

  • Tradition: Given to Marines during the annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball.
  • Story: A tradition since the 1920s, this coin celebrates the founding of the Marine Corps and honors its members’ sacrifices.
  • Design: Often features the Marine Corps emblem with “Semper Fidelis” (Always Faithful).

11. Green Beret Coin

  • Significance: Recognizes the U.S. Army Special Forces, known as the Green Berets.
  • Story: Symbolizes the commitment and sacrifice of these elite soldiers who undertake high-risk missions.
  • Design: Incorporates the iconic Green Beret and Special Forces insignia.

12. White House Communication Agency Coin

  • Prestige: Issued during presidential visits to foreign countries and military bases.
  • Story: These coins are often given to foreign dignitaries and military personnel who have played a role in supporting the President during state visits.
  • Design: Features the Presidential Seal or the emblem of the White House Communication Agency.

Overview of Iconic Military Coins

CoinHistorical SignificanceDesignRarity
WWI Flying Squadron CoinOrigin of challenge coinsEarly aviation emblemsRare
Navy SEAL Team Six CoinElite covert operationsSEAL insigniaExtremely rare
Code Talkers CoinNavajo Code Talkers’ roleCode symbolsRare
SOE CoinCovert WWII operationsEspionage symbolsRare
Presidential Challenge CoinDirect recognition by POTUSPresidential SealPrestigious
Philippine Guerrilla CoinWWII identity verificationUnit insigniaUnique
Airman’s CoinCompletion of basic trainingAir Force symbolCommon
Medal of Honor Recipients’ CoinValor recognitionMedal of Honor ribbonRare
Colonel Verne Green’s CoinUnity within Special ForcesUnit badgeRare
Marine Corps Birthday Ball CoinHonors Marine Corps historyMarine Corps emblemCommon
Green Beret CoinRecognizes U.S. Special ForcesGreen Beret insigniaRare
WHCA CoinIssued during presidential visitsPresidential Seal/Agency EmblemUnique


Military challenge coins represent more than just tokens of appreciation; they embody the honor, history, and deep-rooted traditions of the military.

From the bravery of WWII Code Talkers to the elite secrecy of Navy SEAL Team Six, each coin tells a story of valor and unity. Whether common or rare, these coins remain cherished keepsakes for those who serve and those who collect.


1. What is the significance of military challenge coins?

Military challenge coins symbolize recognition, honor, and camaraderie within the armed forces. They commemorate special achievements, unit membership, and often carry deep sentimental value.

2. When did the tradition of challenge coins begin?

The tradition likely started during World War I, with an American lieutenant creating coins to unify his flying squadron.

3. Are all military challenge coins rare?

Not all challenge coins are rare, but some, like those from covert operations or issued by the President, are highly sought after due to their exclusivity.

4. What is a coin check?

A coin check is a tradition where service members challenge each other to produce their unit’s coin. Those who fail to do so must buy a round of drinks.

5. How can someone obtain a military challenge coin?

Challenge coins are typically earned through service, awarded for accomplishments, or presented as gifts by military leaders.


  1. USO. “The Stories Behind Military Challenge Coins.”
  2. USAMM. “What is a Military Challenge Coin & Its Significance?”
  3. Command Challenge Coins. “Ranking the Best Military Challenge Coins.”

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