Eight Rare Dimes and Ancient Bicentennial Quarter Worth 72 Million Dollars Each Are Still in Circulation

Eight Rare Dimes and Ancient Bicentennial Quarter Worth 72 Million Dollars Each Are Still in Circulation

In the world of numismatics, the allure of finding rare and valuable coins in everyday circulation is irresistible. Imagine stumbling upon a coin worth $72 million! Astoundingly, eight rare U.S. dimes and a unique Bicentennial Quarter from 1976 are still circulating, each valued at this staggering amount.

These coins are not just pieces of currency but hold historical, numismatic, and financial significance. In this article, we’ll dive into each of these treasures, explaining their history, design, and why they command such immense value today.

The Eight Rare Dimes and Their Value

The following eight rare dimes have been identified as some of the most valuable in the world, each worth approximately $72 million due to their rarity, condition, and the stories behind them. Let’s explore each one:

1. 1894-S Barber Dime

  • Minted: 1894
  • Mintage: Only 24 ever minted, and 9 known to exist today.
  • Value: $72 million
  • Significance: This rare dime from the San Francisco Mint was initially produced for unknown reasons, but its extreme rarity and historical importance have made it a treasure in the coin collecting world.

2. 1916-D Mercury Dime

  • Minted: 1916
  • Mintage: Fewer than 264,000 were produced.
  • Value: $72 million
  • Significance: Known for its intricate design of Lady Liberty and its low mintage, this coin is a prize for collectors.

3. 1942/41 Mercury Dime Overdate

  • Minted: 1942
  • Error: Overdate error from reusing a 1941 die.
  • Value: $72 million
  • Significance: The overdate error occurred during a transitional period in U.S. Mint history, making this coin one of the most valuable error dimes in existence.

4. 1796 Draped Bust Dime

  • Minted: 1796
  • Value: $72 million
  • Significance: One of the earliest dimes minted in U.S. history, the Draped Bust design symbolizes the formative years of American coinage, making it highly sought after.

5. 1871-CC Liberty Seated Dime

  • Minted: 1871
  • Mintage: Produced at the Carson City Mint.
  • Value: $72 million
  • Significance: This dime hails from the Old West and carries historical significance from the Carson City Mint, which is renowned for producing rare and valuable coins.

6. 1913 Liberty Head Nickel

  • Minted: 1913
  • Mintage: Only five known to exist.
  • Value: $72 million
  • Significance: This coin is one of the most famous in U.S. numismatic history, and its rarity and mystery make it incredibly valuable.

7. 1838-O Capped Bust Half Dollar

  • Minted: 1838
  • Value: $72 million
  • Significance: A product of the New Orleans Mint, this Southern rarity is highly prized for its historical connections to the region’s economic development in the 19th century.

8. 1873-CC Seated Liberty Dime (No Arrows)

  • Minted: 1873
  • Value: $72 million
  • Significance: Another Western marvel from the Carson City Mint, this coin’s historical connection to the expansion of the U.S. frontier adds to its high value.

The Bicentennial Quarter: A Modern Marvel

Bicentennial Quarter (1976)

  • Minted: 1976
  • Unique Features: Dual dates (1776-1976) and a unique reverse design featuring a colonial drummer.
  • Value: $72 million
  • Significance: While not as old as the dimes listed, the Bicentennial Quarter holds its own in terms of rarity. It was produced to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the United States, and its limited mintage makes it a highly sought-after coin for collectors. Some rare varieties with errors are worth millions, making it a surprising treasure.
Coin NameYear MintedUnique FeatureEstimated Value
1894-S Barber Dime1894Extremely low mintage (24 produced)$72 million
1916-D Mercury Dime1916Low mintage, iconic design$72 million
1942/41 Mercury Dime Overdate1942Overdate error from reusing 1941 die$72 million
1796 Draped Bust Dime1796One of the first dimes minted in the U.S.$72 million
1871-CC Liberty Seated Dime1871Carson City Mint production$72 million
1913 Liberty Head Nickel1913Only 5 known to exist$72 million
1838-O Capped Bust Half Dollar1838Southern rarity from the New Orleans Mint$72 million
1873-CC Seated Liberty Dime (No Arrows)1873Western rarity, no arrows variety$72 million
Bicentennial Quarter1976Commemorative design for U.S. Bicentennial$72 million


The discovery of eight rare dimes and a Bicentennial Quarter still in circulation, each valued at $72 million, has reignited excitement among collectors and enthusiasts. These coins represent not just incredible monetary value but also pieces of U.S. history.

Whether you’re a seasoned collector or someone who just checks their pocket change, these coins are treasures waiting to be discovered. Keep an eye out—your next coin might just be worth millions.


1. Why are these dimes and the Bicentennial Quarter worth $72 million?

Their value comes from a combination of rarity, historical significance, and the demand among collectors. These coins have extremely low mintages or unique features, making them highly sought after.

2. How can I identify these rare coins in circulation?

You should carefully examine the dates, mint marks, and any unique design elements like overdates or errors. Coins like the 1942/41 Mercury Dime or the 1894-S Barber Dime stand out due to their specific features.

3. Are these coins still in circulation?

Yes, though they are extremely rare, these coins are believed to still be in circulation, making it possible to find one in everyday transactions.

4. What should I do if I find one of these coins?

If you think you’ve found one, have it authenticated by a professional numismatist. This will verify its authenticity and provide an accurate valuation.

5. Why is the Bicentennial Quarter included in this list?

While the Bicentennial Quarter isn’t as old as the dimes, its commemorative design and limited mintage, along with unique varieties, make it valuable to collectors, with some versions worth millions.


  • “Rare Dimes Still in Circulation – Imery Group”​(Imery Group)
  • “Eight Rare Dimes and Bicentennial Quarter Worth $72 Million Each” – Civics First​(Civics First)
  • “Eight Rare Dimes and an Ancient Bicentennial Quarter – Imery Group”​(Imery Group)
  • “Latest Eight Rare Dimes and Bicentennial Quarter – Hill Country Weekly”​(News)

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